söndag 10 juli 2011

Midsummer and Reese´s


Long time since i wrote here now.. But I have been working my behind of..
I have 2 jobs one at an office and the old job at the elderly nursing home.. anyway..

So what have I been up too since last... been out, seeing some concert. working ofcourse and just hanging out in general.. oh and I have celebrated midsommar

First we have to build a maypole

After that we eat :)

Then we dance around the the Majstång or Midsommarstång(= maypole) :P
This is our version of midsummerdancing okay :P

last comes "the rocket"

Then the applauses...

The a nice game of either Kubb or Bränboll is required :P here we are playing Kubb

After this some eating and drinking is done and then the kids and the "retirees" (or soon to bee :P) goes to bed and the party continues until morning...

I went to a store yesterday and guess what i found ! RESEE`S yay finally they were silly expensive but i didn't care :D

It isn't much but this is all I have for today

Greetings from a sunny Sweden =)
Miss you all < 3